Submit Your Idea Form


Please make sure you have completed all fields before submitting the form.  

All fields with an asterix (*) are mandatory.

Project location


Is your organization located in Canada?

Contact information of the recipient organization

The following information must refer to the organization/religious community that is located in the developing country in which your project will be implemented.


You already know about the Roncalli International Foundation
How did you learn about the Roncalli International Foundation?

Explain your project idea

(amount requested)
Is this the only project you have submitted to the Roncalli International Foundation within the last 12 months?

Please note that submitting this form does not guarantee access to the grant application form.

Terms and conditions

Please note that this form is only available online. You cannot use this form for a grant application and send it by the mail. However, when you submit your idea, you will receive a confirmation email and a copy of the completed form for your records.

Confirmation of the validity of the information provided

Consent to release information

This type of information allows us to confirm you are a real human user rather than a robot trying to hijack our form for illicit purposes.

You may now submit the form.
After you click on the ‘submit’ button, you will receive a confirmation email. Thank you!


Projets destinés à combler les besoins fondamentaux, à améliorer la qualité de vie du milieu et à favoriser la prévention.

Éducation et formation

Projets visant des personnes susceptibles de devenir, dans leur milieu, des agents multiplicateurs de libération, de développement social et d'évangélisation.

Aide aux églises

Projets caractérisés par l'action évangélisatrice.


Mise en place d'infrastructures institutionnelles ou matérielles, dans le respect de l'environnement. Par exemple, des projets d'eau potable ou de rénovations.

Urgences et désastres

Aide aux victimes de calamités naturelles ou d'interventions humaines causant des pénuries soudaines et importantes de moyens de subsistance.